Hi there, Iā€™m Katie.

Things I love:

My Husband.

My job.

My coffee.

My Jesus.


My love for photography began with the Sony Cybershot.  5th grade. Best. Christmas. Present. Ever. I didn't actually think I had a lasting knack for it until I stepped out on a limb in 10th grade and bought my first professional dslr camera; The Nikon D70. The wonderful world of Facebook albums and posts with pictures taken from that beauty led to enquiries about helping friends take their senior pictures, family pictures, and so on.

It picked up so fast that I felt burnt out and constantly overwhelmed. Feelings of inadequacy crept up and threatened to consume me at times. I reached the point where I cried out to the Lord to either either keep the passion that I once had for photography away or to rekindle it.

Here I am today as passionate as ever about my job... My "hobby" job because to me, it's does't always feel like work! I am excited to continue learning and growing.

The glory really is all His.